This module defines some tools used for reading/writing fragment files.
from futile.Utils import write as safe_print
# Standard residue names
# https://cdn.rcsb.org/wwpdb/docs/documentation/file-format/PDB_format_1992.pdf
_standard_residues = ["ALA", "ACD", "ALA", "ALB", "ALI", "ARG", "ARO", "ASN",
"ASP", "ASX", "BAS", "CYS", "GLN", "GLU", "GLX", "GLY",
"HIS", "HYP", "ILE", "LEU", "LYS", "MET", "PCA", "PHE",
"PRO", "SAR", "SER", "THR", "TRP", "TYR", "VAL"]
def _split_line(line, limit):
split = line.split()
# print line, split
if len(split) < 3: # there should be at least two atoms
tmp = line.lstrip('CONECT')
split = ['CONECT'] + _split_malformed_connection(tmp)
resplit = [split[0]]
for at2 in split[1:]:
atom = int(at2)
if atom > limit:
atoms = _split_malformed_connection(at2)
atoms = [atom]
resplit += atoms
return resplit
def _split_malformed_connection(conect):
maxl = len(conect)
if maxl > 10: # we have three atoms at least
ll = 5 if conect[0] == '9' else 6
return [conect[:ll]] + _split_malformed_connection(conect[ll:])
ll = int(maxl/2)
tmp1 = conect[:ll]
tmp2 = conect[ll:]
return [tmp1, tmp2]
[docs]def read_pdb(ifile, include_chain=False, disable_warnings=False,
ignore_connectivity=False, ignore_unit_cell=False,
Read a system from a PDB file.
ifile (TextIOBase): the file to read from.
disable_warnings (bool): whether to print warnings about possible file
include_chain (bool): include the chain id if True
ignore_connectivity (bool): if True do not store the information about
the connectivity matrix.
ignore_unit_cell (bool): assumes free boundary conditions if true.
charmm_format (bool): Accepts Charmm-format.
This will read in the connectivity information from the pdb as well.
However, a pdb file does not provide any information about the bond
order. Thus, the bond order of each bond will be set to one.
(BigDFT.Systems.System): the system file.
from BigDFT.Fragments import Fragment
from BigDFT.Systems import System
from warnings import warn
from BigDFT.UnitCells import UnitCell
# First pass read in the atoms.
sys = System()
lookup = {}
sys.conmat = {}
found = False
for line in ifile:
try: # See if there is an atom on this line
if line[:4] == "ATOM" or line[:6] == "HETATM":
at, atid, fragid = _process_atom(line,
# We can ignore lone pairs
if at.sym == "Lp":
# Add to the system
if fragid not in sys:
sys[fragid] = Fragment()
sys[fragid] += [at]
# Build the lookup table
lookup[atid] = (fragid, len(sys[fragid]) - 1)
elif line[:6] == "CONECT" and not ignore_connectivity:
found = True
split = _split_line(line, len(lookup))
(fragid, atnum) = lookup[int(split[1])]
for at2 in split[2:]:
fragid2, atnum2 = lookup[int(at2)]
if fragid not in sys.conmat:
sys.conmat[fragid] = []
for i in range(0, len(sys[fragid])):
sys.conmat[fragid][atnum][(fragid2, atnum2)] = 1.0
elif line[:6] == "CRYST1" and not ignore_unit_cell:
a = float(line[7:15])
b = float(line[16:24])
c = float(line[25:33])
alpha = float(line[34:40])
beta = float(line[41:47])
gamma = float(line[48:54])
sys.cell = UnitCell([a, b, c], units="angstroem")
if not disable_warnings:
if (alpha != 90 or beta != 90 or gamma != 90):
warn("Cell angles must be 90 degrees", UserWarning)
except IndexError: # For shorter lines
if ignore_unit_cell:
sys.cell = UnitCell()
if not found:
sys.conmat = None
# for any connectivity not specified we give default values.
for fragid in sys:
if fragid not in sys.conmat:
sys.conmat[fragid] = []
for i in range(0, len(sys[fragid])):
if not disable_warnings:
if sum([len(x) for x in sys.values()]) == 0:
warn("Warning: zero atoms found", UserWarning)
return sys
def reorder_fragments(frags):
chs = {}
good = True
for frag in frags:
chnum = frag.split(':')
if len(chnum) != 2:
good = False
chres, num = chnum
if "-" in chres:
ch, res = chres.split('-')
ch = 'A'
subch = chs.setdefault(ch, {})
if int(num) in subch:
good = False
subch[int(num)] = frag
if not good:
return frags # reordering not possible - incoherent fragments
lis = []
for ch in sorted(chs.keys()):
for fr in sorted(chs[ch].keys()):
return lis
[docs]def read_xyz(ifile, fragmentation="atomic"):
Read a system from an xyz file. XYZ files do not contain any information
about fragments, so this routine will make each atom its own fragment.
ifile (TextIOBase): the file to read from.
fragmentation (str): either "atomic" or "single".
(BigDFT.Systems.System): the system file.
from BigDFT.Systems import System
from BigDFT.Fragments import Fragment
from BigDFT.Atoms import Atom
sys = System()
# Read header
natoms, units, sys.cell = _read_xyz_header(ifile)
# Read each line
for i, line in enumerate(ifile):
if natoms == i:
split = line.split()
sym = split[0]
position = [float(x) for x in split[1:4]]
at = Atom({'sym': sym, 'r': position, "units": units})
sys["ATM:"+str(i)] = Fragment([at])
if fragmentation == "atomic":
return sys
elif fragmentation == "single":
sys2 = System()
sys2["FRA:0"] = sum(sys.values())
sys2.cell = sys.cell
return sys2
raise ValueError("Fragmentation must be atomic or single")
def _read_xyz_header(ifile):
from BigDFT.UnitCells import UnitCell
# Read the header line.
line = next(ifile)
natoms = int(line.split()[0])
units = line.split()[1]
except IndexError:
units = "angstroem"
# Read the boundary condition.
line = next(ifile).split()
if len(line) == 0:
cell = UnitCell()
elif line[0] == "wire":
cell = UnitCell([float("inf"), float("inf"),
float(line[3])], units=units)
elif line[0] == "surface":
cell = UnitCell([float(line[1]), float("inf"),
float(line[3])], units=units)
elif line[0] == "periodic":
cell = UnitCell([float(x) for x in line[1:4]],
cell = UnitCell()
return natoms, units, cell
[docs]def write_pdb(system, ofile):
Write out a system to a string in the pdb format.
system (BigDFT.Systems.System): the system to write.
ofile (TextIOBase): the output stream to write to.
from BigDFT.Systems import GetFragTuple
outstr = ""
# Write Cell
if system.cell.get_boundary_condition() != "free":
line = list(" " * 80)
line[0:6] = "CRYST1".ljust(6) # CRYST1
lengths, angles = system.cell.get_length_angle(units="angstroem")
lengths = ["{:.3f}".format(x) for x in lengths]
angles = ["{:.3f}".format(x) for x in angles]
line[7:15] = lengths[0].rjust(8) # a (Angstrom)
line[16:24] = lengths[1].rjust(8) # b (Angstrom)
line[25:33] = lengths[2].rjust(8) # c (Angstrom)
line[34:40] = angles[0].rjust(6) # alpha (degrees)
line[41:47] = angles[1].rjust(6) # beta (degrees)
line[48:54] = angles[2].rjust(6) # gamma (degrees)
outstr += "".join(line) + "\n"
# Write Postions
idx = 1
lookup = {}
reorder = reorder_fragments(system)
for fragid in reorder: # system.items():
frag = system[fragid]
if any([x in fragid for x in _standard_residues]):
atom_type = "ATOM".ljust(6)
atom_type = "HETATM"
for i, at in enumerate(frag):
pos = [str("{:.3f}".format(x))
for x in at.get_position("angstroem", cell=system.cell)]
fragtuple = GetFragTuple(fragid)
resname = fragtuple[0]
chres = resname.split('-')
chain = 'A' if '-' not in resname else chres[0]
resname = chres[-1][:3].ljust(3)
line = list(" " * 80)
line[0:6] = atom_type # HETATM
line[6:11] = str(idx).rjust(5) # SERIAL NUMBER
if "name" in at: # ATOM NAME
line[12:16] = at["name"].ljust(4)
line[12:16] = at.sym.ljust(4)
line[17:20] = resname # RESIDUE NAME
line[21:22] = chain # CHAIN IDENTIFIER
line[22:26] = fragtuple[1].rjust(4) # RESIDUE SEQUENCE NUMBER
line[30:38] = pos[0].rjust(8) # X COORDINATE
line[38:46] = pos[1].rjust(8) # Y COORDINATE
line[46:54] = pos[2].rjust(8) # Z COORDINATE
line[55:61] = " 1.00 " # OCCUPANCY
line[61:67] = " 0.00 " # TEMPERATURE
line[72:76] = " B " # SEGMENT IDENTIFIER
line[76:78] = at.sym.rjust(2) # ELEMENT SYMBOL
line[78:80] = " " # CHARGE
outstr += "".join(line) + "\n"
# Keep track of the indexes
lookup[(fragid, i)] = idx
idx = idx + 1
# Write the connectivity information
if system.conmat is not None:
for fragid, frag in system.items():
for i, at in enumerate(frag):
connections = system.conmat[fragid][i]
connections = [lookup[x] for x in connections.keys()]
line = list(" " * 80)
line[0:6] = "CONECT"
line[7:11] = str(lookup[(fragid, i)]).rjust(4)
if len(connections) > 0: # BOND SERIAL NUMBERS
line[12:16] = str(connections[0]).rjust(4)
if len(connections) > 1:
line[17:21] = str(connections[1]).rjust(4)
if len(connections) > 2:
line[22:26] = str(connections[2]).rjust(4)
if len(connections) > 3:
line[27:31] = str(connections[3]).rjust(4)
outstr += "".join(line) + "\n"
[docs]def read_mol2(ifile, disable_warnings=False):
Read a system from a mol2 file.
ifile (TextIOBase): the file to read from.
disable_warnings (bool): whether to print warnings about possible file
(BigDFT.Systems.System): the system file.
from BigDFT.Systems import System
from BigDFT.Fragments import Fragment
from BigDFT.Atoms import Atom
from BigDFT.UnitCells import UnitCell
from warnings import warn
sys = System()
# Just go ahead and read the whole file into a string.
lines = [x for x in ifile]
if len(lines) == 0:
return sys
# First pass, read in the number of atoms.
for start, line in enumerate(lines):
if ("@<TRIPOS>MOLECULE" in line):
start += 1
split = lines[start+1].split()
natoms = int(split[0])
nbonds = int(split[1])
# Second pass read in the atoms.
for start, line in enumerate(lines):
if ("@<TRIPOS>ATOM" in line):
start += 1
lookup = []
for i in range(0, natoms):
split = lines[start + i].split()
pos = [float(x) for x in split[2:5]]
name = split[5]
sym = name.split(".")[0]
fragid = split[7] + ":" + split[6]
charge = [float(split[8])]
# Add fragment
if fragid not in sys:
sys[fragid] = Fragment()
at = Atom({sym: pos, "units": "angstroem", "q0":
charge, "name": name})
sys[fragid] += [at]
# Lookup table for connectivity
lookup.append((fragid, len(sys[fragid]) - 1))
# Third pass reads the connectivity.
for start, line in enumerate(lines):
if ("@<TRIPOS>BOND" in line):
start += 1
if start < len(lines):
sys.conmat = {}
for fragid, frag in sys.items():
sys.conmat[fragid] = []
for i in range(0, len(frag)):
bowarn = False
for i in range(0, nbonds):
split = lines[start + i].split()
frag1, at1 = lookup[int(split[1])-1]
frag2, at2 = lookup[int(split[2])-1]
bo = split[3]
bo = float(split[3])
except ValueError:
bowarn = True
bo = 1
sys.conmat[frag1][at1][(frag2, at2)] = bo
# Since mol2 doesn't include the symmetric bonds.
if frag1 != frag2 or at1 != at2:
sys.conmat[frag2][at2][(frag1, at1)] = bo
# Fourth path reads the unit cell.
for start, line in enumerate(lines):
if ("@<TRIPOS>CRYSIN" in line):
start += 1
if start < len(lines):
split = lines[start].split()
a = float(split[0])
b = float(split[1])
c = float(split[2])
alpha = float(split[3])
beta = float(split[4])
gamma = float(split[5])
sys.cell = UnitCell([a, b, c], units="angstroem")
if not disable_warnings:
if (alpha != 90 or beta != 90 or gamma != 90):
warn("Cell angles must be 90 degrees", UserWarning)
if not disable_warnings:
if sum([len(x) for x in sys.values()]) == 0:
warn("Warning: zero atoms found", UserWarning)
if bowarn:
warn("Unsupported bond type had to be set to 1 (i.e. aromatic)",
return sys
[docs]def write_mol2(system, ofile):
Write out a system to a string in the mol2 format.
system (BigDFT.Systems.System): the system to write.
ofile (TextIOBase): the output stream to write to.
(str): a string representation of the file.
from BigDFT.Systems import GetFragTuple
charges = True
idx = 1
lookup = {}
atomstr = "@<TRIPOS>ATOM\n"
for fragid, frag in system.items():
for i, at in enumerate(frag):
pos = [str("{:.3f}".format(x))
for x in at.get_position("angstroem", cell=system.cell)]
fragtuple = GetFragTuple(fragid)
line = str(idx) + " " + at.sym+str(idx) + " "
line += pos[0] + " " + pos[1] + " " + pos[2] + " "
line += at.sym + " "
line += fragtuple[1] + " "
line += fragtuple[0] + " "
if at.q0:
line += str(at.q0)
line += str(0.0)
atomstr += line + "\n"
# Keep track of the indexes
lookup[(fragid, i)] = idx
idx = idx + 1
numatoms = idx - 1
# Write the connectivity information
bondstr = "@<TRIPOS>BOND\n"
numbonds = 0
idx = 1
if system.conmat is not None:
for fragid, frag in system.items():
for i, at in enumerate(frag):
connections = system.conmat[fragid][i]
bonds = connections.values()
connections = [lookup[x] for x in connections.keys()]
for con, bo in zip(connections, bonds):
if con <= idx:
bondstr += str(numbonds + 1) + " "
bondstr += str(idx) + " " + str(con) + " "
bondstr += str(int(bo)) + "\n"
numbonds = numbonds + 1
idx = idx + 1
# Write out the molecule part
molstr = "@<TRIPOS>MOLECULE\n"
molstr += "generated by BigDFT\n"
molstr += str(numatoms) + " " + str(numbonds) + " "
molstr += str(len(system.keys())) + " 0 0\n"
molstr += "****\n"
if charges:
molstr += "MULLIKEN_CHARGES\n"
molstr += "NO_CHARGES\n"
molstr += "****\n"
molstr += "****\n"
# Write Cell
cellstr = ""
if system.cell.get_boundary_condition() != "free":
cellstr += "@<TRIPOS>CRYSIN\n"
lengths, angles = system.cell.get_length_angle(units="angstroem")
lengths = ["{:.3f}".format(x) for x in lengths]
angles = ["{:.3f}".format(x) for x in angles]
cellstr += " ".join(lengths)
cellstr += " "
cellstr += " ".join(angles)
cellstr += " 1 1\n"
ofile.write(molstr + "\n" + atomstr + "\n" + bondstr + "\n" + cellstr)
[docs]def write_xyz(system, ofile):
Write out a system to a file in the xyz format.
system (BigDFT.Systems.System): the system to write.
ofile (TextIOBase): the output stream to write to.
cell (list): the unit cell.
outstr = ""
outstr += str(sum([len(x) for x in system.values()])) + " angstroem\n"
outstr += system.cell.get_boundary_condition("angstroem") + "\n"
for frag in system.values():
for at in frag:
pos = at.get_position("angstroem", cell=system.cell)
outstr += at.sym + " " + " ".join([str(x) for x in pos]) + "\n"
def _process_atom(line, include_chain=False, charmm_format=False):
This processes a line of a pdb file and extracts information about an atom.
(BigDFT.Atoms.Atom, int, str): return the Atom on this line, its id in
the pdb, and the fragment it belongs to. It may include the chain id.
from BigDFT.Atoms import Atom
# Get the basic information about this atom
sym = line[76:78].strip().capitalize()
if "1-" in sym:
sym = sym.replace("1-", "")
if "1+" in sym:
sym = sym.replace("1+", "")
fullname = line[12:16]
name = fullname.strip()
xpos = float(line[30:38])
ypos = float(line[38:46])
zpos = float(line[46:54])
at = Atom({"sym": sym, "r": [xpos, ypos, zpos], "name": name,
"units": "angstroem"})
# Get the atom id for building the lookup table
atid = int(line[6:11])
# Information about the residue
resname = line[17:20]
chain = line[20:22].strip()
if charmm_format and (line[72:75] in ['PRO', 'HET', 'SOL', 'ION']):
chain = line[75]
resid = str(int(line[22:26]))
fragid = resname+":"+resid
if include_chain:
fragid = chain+'-'+fragid
return at, atid, fragid
[docs]def read_yaml(ifile):
Read a system from a yaml file. This assumes that we're getting something
in the posinp format: i.e. we have a position and unit key.
ifile (TextIOBase): the file to read from.
(BigDFT.Systems.System): the system file.
from yaml import load, SafeLoader
from BigDFT.Systems import system_from_dict_positions
data = load(ifile, Loader=SafeLoader)
return system_from_dict_positions(data["positions"],
data.get("units", "angstroem"))
[docs]def write_yaml(sys, ofile):
Write a system to a yaml file with the posinp format.
sys (BigDFT.Systems.System): the system to write.
ofile (TextIOBase): the file to write to.
from yaml import dump
dump(sys.get_posinp(), ofile)
[docs]class XYZReader():
A class which can be used to read from xyz files.
This class should behave like a standard file, which means you can use
it in ``with`` statements, and use the ``next`` command to iterate over it.
closed (bool): check if a file is open or not.
units (str): the units that the xyz file was in.
natoms (int): the number of atoms in the xyz file.
cell (list): a list of floats describing the cell.
filename (str): the file to read from. You can also specify a molecule
that might be in the database.
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
self.natoms = None
self.cell = None
self.atoms_positions = []
def open(self):
def __enter__(self):
from os.path import join, abspath, dirname
self._handle = open(self.filename, "r")
except IOError as e: # see if the file is in the database
dirXYZ = join(dirname(__file__), "Database", "XYZs")
filename = abspath(join(dirXYZ, self.filename + ".xyz"))
self._handle = open(filename, "r")
except IOError: # Raise the error from the original path
raise e
self.natoms, self.units, self.cell = _read_xyz_header(self._handle)
return self
def next(self):
return self.__next__()
def __next__(self):
from BigDFT.Atoms import Atom
line = next(self._handle)
if self.natoms == len(self.atoms_positions):
raise StopIteration
split = line.split()
sym = split[0]
position = [float(x) for x in split[1:4]]
this_pos = Atom({'sym': sym, 'r': position, "units": self.units})
return this_pos
def __iter__(self):
return self
def close(self):
if self.natoms != len(self.atoms_positions):
raise IOError('The number of atoms is not consistent with the'
' number of lines')
def __exit__(self, exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None):
def closed(self):
return self._handle.closed
[docs]class XYZWriter():
A class for writing XYZ files.
This class should behave like a standard file, which means you can use
it in ``with`` statements and write.
filename (str): the file to write to.
natoms (int): how many atoms we will write.
units (str): the units of the file. Defaults to angstroem.
cell (BigDFT.UnitCells.UnitCell): the unit cell.
def __init__(self, filename, natoms, units="angstroem", cell=None):
from BigDFT.UnitCells import UnitCell
self.filename = filename
self.natoms = natoms
self.units = units
if cell is None:
self.cell = UnitCell()
self.cell = cell
def open(self):
def __enter__(self):
self._handle = open(self.filename, "w")
self._handle.write(str(self.natoms) + " ")
# The unit cell
return self
[docs] def write(self, atomdict):
Write an atom to the file.
atom (dict): a dictionary describing the atom.
from BigDFT.Atoms import Atom
at = Atom(atomdict)
self._handle.write(at.sym + " ")
pos = at.get_position(self.units)
self._handle.write(" ".join([str(x) for x in pos]))
def close(self):
def __exit__(self, exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None):
def closed(self):
return self._handle.closed
[docs]def _example():
"""Test the XYZ Module"""
from BigDFT.Systems import System
from BigDFT.Fragments import Fragment
from BigDFT.UnitCells import UnitCell
file = "Si4"
safe_print("First let's try reading an XYZ file.")
atom_list = []
with XYZReader(file) as reader:
for at in reader:
safe_print("Now let's try writing an XYZ file.")
with XYZWriter("test.xyz", len(atom_list),
units=reader.units) as writer:
for at in atom_list:
with open("test.xyz") as ifile:
for line in ifile:
safe_print(line, end='')
safe_print("Print with various boundary conditions")
with XYZWriter("test.xyz", len(atom_list), reader.units,
cell=UnitCell()) as writer:
for at in atom_list:
with XYZReader("test.xyz") as ifile:
with XYZWriter("test.xyz", len(atom_list), reader.units,
cell=UnitCell([5, 5, 5])) as writer:
for at in atom_list:
with XYZReader("test.xyz") as ifile:
with XYZWriter("test.xyz", len(atom_list), reader.units,
cell=UnitCell([5, float("inf"), 5])) as writer:
for at in atom_list:
with XYZReader("test.xyz") as ifile:
with XYZWriter("test.xyz", len(atom_list), reader.units,
cell=UnitCell([float("inf"), float("inf"), 5])) as writer:
for at in atom_list:
with XYZReader("test.xyz") as ifile:
safe_print("Now let's demonstrate the pdb and mol2 writer")
sys = System()
sys["FRAG:0"] = Fragment(atom_list)
with open("test.pdb", "w") as ofile:
write_pdb(sys, ofile)
with open("test.pdb") as ifile:
for line in ifile:
safe_print(line, end='')
with open("test.mol2", "w") as ofile:
write_mol2(sys, ofile)
with open("test.mol2") as ifile:
for line in ifile:
safe_print(line, end='')
if __name__ == "__main__":